Moved the oold dev log updates to the dev log

Change Log (temp during development):

6-19-2020 - few small nudges to UI elements

6-15-2020 - add simple Logging, Logging Window, Logging button - add ability to expand baggage cards - move GUI around and touch it up a bit more - add a simple link as an example of how the purchase link would work

6-9-2020 - fix problem where if no one can play on the base card, it would not trigger the base-break - fix problem the base would not break unless it was an Ace.  - add test cases for these two scenarios

6-8-2020 - nudged some elements around, removed much of the white border from "Kings" artwork

6-7-2020 - trying out yet another layout.  - change post-game verbiage - implemented final Ace-Base behavior - add a "Break" mode to the "Capture" button - on the Lock icon, add an "Ace" symbol - add option to re-start the game at end of game (without refreshing the webpage)

6-5-2020 - some minor fixes to positioning, layout, movement, and sorting - minor fix where the Pass button was briefly enabled when it shouldn't be

6-4-2020 - - move the layout all around into something hopefully like its final form - enlarge the player cards - add the new card art, and some test cases to examine the diff art styles - change the player-card positioning formula - there are some minor new UI issues after the changes, don't worry too much about them

6-1-2020 - Add an intro text, an end game text, and a small end game animation - small improvement for cards moving during screen resolution change - started moving things around according to layout, realized I needed more info

5-29-2020 - small changes which will hopefully make full screen mode work on Mac-Chrome - get the Lock icon to finally show up on the web version

5-28-2020 - option to change scoring ratios from the Tab menu - switched the Advice text to use Unity's newer text system, so it's not so blurry.

5-26-2020 - added a simple suit-locked icon - change "Pass" button to say "Claim" in some circumstances - small bug fixes with when advice triggers, test cases, timing of cards,

5-24-2020 - fixes for advice popups, test cases for same.  a few general fixes

5-22-2020 - first version of actual suit cycle - first version of advice pop ups

Files Play in browser
Version 11 Jun 19, 2020

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